The story of a French guy and his lovely Belgian wife gone to Barcelona to get the IESE MBA.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Catching up with the flow... and a great news!

No, I'm not dead. One month without news, that's bad.
It's been a tough one from a work perspective. But let's put things back in order.

Four weeks ago, we've been to Sitges, a nice little town 30km south of Barcelona. It was a wonderful break. It was on the 29th of October, and the temperature was 25 degrees Celsius. Working like hell, I really needed that break.
But for you readers there is nothing particular to know about that small trip except that picture of Emilie (sorry if I cut her head, for once it's not the most important detail on the picture...) :

No, she's not the victim of a new tapas addiction, she's indeed 3 MONTHS PREGNANT !!!
Thats' right! We're gonna have a baby! We are both very excited even if it will be difficult to manage this in parallel with the MBA. Luckily, the delivery is planned for May, which is almost the end of the year.
Emilie will go back to Brussels for the summer and I don't know where I will be, since it will depend on my internship. I hope to go back to Belgium as well but we'll see.

I'm anxious to celebrate that news with everybody!


Blogger NoellieBellie said...

Wow! Congratulations Francois!!!!!

6:08 PM

Blogger French Rabbit said...

Thanks Noelle!

1:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, congratulations!!

And some exciting news from my side as well.. I'm getting married! On February 10th..

2:31 PM


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