The story of a French guy and his lovely Belgian wife gone to Barcelona to get the IESE MBA.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mi primera semana

This week was my first full week of school, although real courses have not started yet.
For the moment, it is spanish, spanish, spanish. I have the feeling that I'm improving a lot and that's good. On the 22nd of September, my group will take the DIEN, which is an official spanish test. If I pass it, I will be over with spanish afterwards, which would be a great advantage for me because it would mean saving 1 hour 15 minutes every day during the academic year. I could use that time to do some sport or to study other things.

Every day, I realise how lucky I am to be in such an international environment, with such a bunch of cool people. People are not open minded because they do an MBA, they do an MBA because they are open minded. At least that's my feeling. Of course it doesn't mean that if you don't do an MBA you're not open minded... I stop here, it starts to sound like the critical reasoning part of the GMAT!

Due to that unbearable clear blue sky, we had to go to the beach last week end, and I'm afraid we will have to do the same this week-end. This time, I will take some pictures. This reminds me I have to take pictures of my flat so that you can see where your guest room is.

We are still not over with this crappy administrative paperwork. I hate any kind of administration and paperwork. I hate bankers. This suc%$*rs will bow to me in 2 years time, but right now I had to beg to get a loan to finance my MBA.
I hate spanish administration, which takes 1 month at least for any single task. You want a scooter? You need an "extranjero" number first, and it takes at least a month to get it (and lots of hassle).
Oh, and I almost forgot about the Spanish banks which are only open in the morning and where no one speaks English. No one (no kidding)!
That was my “there-are-also-downsides-in-being-in-Barcelona” paragraph. As you can see, it’s relatively short.

All right, I have to go back home to see my beloved wife and my little sister Muriel who came to visit me for a few days.
A très bientôt tout le monde !


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