The story of a French guy and his lovely Belgian wife gone to Barcelona to get the IESE MBA.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The dark art of Financial Accounting

This week, we have started the pre-courses on top of the spanish courses. Instead of 7 hours of Spanish a day, we now have 2,5 hours only and the rest is replaced by two courses : Financial Accounting and Basic Quantitative Methods. The latter is about statistics and probablity and is not too difficult if you have a math/engineering background.
On the contrary, Accounting was chinese to me so far. I didn't even know how to read a balance sheet. So the amount of things to learn in one week is huge, and I'm working a lot not to fall behind and get trampled by the herd of ex-financial analysts and I-bankers sitting next to me. Of course, I'm not the only one to struggle, which is always encouraging!
When I say that Accounting is a dark art, I mean that for me it's just impossible to record a whole list of tricky transactions, post to ledger accounts, close them, draw a balance sheet and an income statement without doing any mistake along the way. I think it happened to me just once during my exercises this week (and it was probably the first one)... So when I see our professor flying through them like a charm, I feel like a Neville Longbottom trying to make a tricky potion in Snape's course. Sorry for the non-HP fans ;-)

Apart from that, I have my spanish exam tomorrow. The stakes are 3 months of extra spanish course. If I pass the test, I will have an extra 1 hour 15 minutes every day while the others will be working. Sweet!

All right. Accounting minus 5 minutes... I have to go. Expelliarmus !


Blogger Ashwyn said...

hey, this is nice, you do write well! Can I add you too, if you don't mind? P.s. Potter rules! :P

2:02 PM


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